18+ years of experience in custom cabinetry making.
Skylar Widdison
Owner & CEO
Skylar with his wife Traci and their three kids.
Happy customers
Company Established
New designs
Projects Done
A few words from our happy customers...
We truly appreciate all the ideas you contributed and the time & effort you put in to help us create such a fun place to live! We love our new house and custom cabinetry. We couldn't be happier!
Shannon & Mike
We could not be more happy with our cabinets, they are beautiful! Thank for all the work you put in to making them perfect. We have had so many compliments on them.
Brad & JoLynn
You are so talented... We appreciate you working with us and being so prompt. You have made us very happy!
Peterson Family
This is the nicest kitchen & laundry room I've ever had and I'm just in LOVE with it!
Tonia & David
Getting this cabinets was the best experience of this whole house!!!
Thanks for all your help and creativity! I love your design for our loft area.